Thanks to such a favourable location we are able to regularly inspect orchards, vegetable and fruit crops of our suppliers.
We keep controlling the plant protection products used by farmers.
We ensure repeatable quality of the finished product in accordance with the requirements of our customers.
Our HACCP system ensures that hazards such as the presence of foreign bodies or any other contamination of the crop are virtually impossible.
What kinds of fruit are the healthiest ones? Which vegetables are the healthiest? These are the questions we keep asking ourselves rather frequently. One of the key products that provide the body with numerous types of vitamins are vegetables and fruit. Eating them is essential due to the fact that they provide the body with many vitamins and are low in calories. They are a very rich source of several B vitamins, potassium, antiscorbutic vitamin, and fibre.
Why are fruit and vegetables healthy in general? Summer-type fruits that are particularly rich in antiscorbutic vitamin include the following: cherry, rhubarb, redcurrant and blackcurrant. An important component of vegetable and fruit products is also carotene, i.e. vitamin A, which is responsible for the growth of young organisms. It ensures a radiant look of the skin and healthy eyesight. Carrots, peas and pumpkins are excellent sources of this vitamin. Polyphenols are another very valuable compounds that are found in plant products, e.g. in onion, spring onion, broccoli and beans. It may sound surprising but is useful to know that in the case of polyphenols, heat treatment often increases their content in food products. A healthy diet also includes providing the body with the right amount of fibre, which is responsible for the proper functioning of the digestive system. Although we associate fibre mostly with wholegrain products, nevertheless we can also find it in vegetables and fruits: raspberries, tomatoes, peas and autumn Polish fruits, such as apples or other.
Everybody knows that fruit and vegetables are healthy. What are they ways to provide the body with the right amount of fruit and vegetables in winter or autumn? In autumn and winter in particular, we have a limited access to fresh fruit and vegetables. Even your favourite fruit and vegetable store does not offer a very wide assortment then. How to deal with such a situation? Nothing can disturb the process of continuing to take care of your vegetable and fruit diet. How to do it? Our frozen fruits and vegetables are the answer. Run Chłodnia freezes summer fruits and delicious vegetables instantly after picking them in full season to preserve their unique taste. And because of this you can enjoy their flavour all year round. Run Chłodnia company is located in the centre of Poland, in the heart of Kujawy, i.e. in Włocławek. The region is rich in orchards and farmland. Thanks to this, we have the opportunity to control the orchards, vegetable and fruit crops of our suppliers on a regular basis.
Frozen vegetables and fruit should be treated as a convenience! Storing vegetables and types of fruit in the freezer is very simple. Once they are taken out of the freezer and defrosted, they taste delicious, suggest summerlike flavour. Thanks to this, we have access to vitamins in vegetables and fruit all year round. We care about the quality and repeatability of our products. Acting locally, we are able to guarantee that. At the same time, we also keep control over the kinds of plant protection products used on fields and orchards.
What do you prefer and choose: fruit or vegetable? It really does not matter. Both of these products are not only very tasty but they are crucial and indispensable for the proper functioning of our body. Therefore, you should eat vegetables and fruit whenever you feel like it. If you don't currently have access to seasonal fruit or green vegetables, go ahead and reach for the frozen ones. It is worth looking for and finding a vegetable and fruit producer who cooperates with local farmers, picks fruit and vegetables in the best period of their growth when they are the tastiest.