+48 54 412 39 25
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Our company is created by exceptional and remarkable people. We have a lot of duties to be done every day and we are constantly improving.

We strive to be an attractive workplace for ambitious and professional people

Join our team
Check our current job offers
Who are we looking for?

Our recruitment offers reflect the current needs of the organization. We employ people focused on cooperation, honest professionals, consistently striving to achieve high-quality tasks. We attach particular importance to competences that build a work culture based on the key values for our company.

We value diversity and we take advantage out of it. Different nationalities, cultures, education, age, gender, professional and life experiences broaden our perspective and shape our point of view.

We are constantly developing, because our ambition is to be a sought-after and attractive workplace for people with high potential, both those with experience and young, just starting their professional career.

We respect individualism. In Run Chłodnia team we try to treat each employee individually, taking into account their abilities and capabilities.

We believe that this approach is the key to building a solid and highly qualified team, for whom the motto of our company "You'd better not do it than do it wrong" is not a cliché.

Seasonal work

You can start your adventure with our company with seasonal work which usually lasts from May to October.

If you are honest, responsible, friendly, you respect the work of others and are not afraid to work hard yourself, then you are the one we are looking for and you have a chance to stay with us for longer - even until retirement.

Internships and work placement

Work placement contracts for students of vocational schools, technical colleges and students are carried out on the basis of agreements with schools and universities.

Interns and trainees are provided with the following:

  • implementation of tasks resulting from the internship/work placement program,
  • solid education under the guidance of experienced employees,
  • development of interests,
  • advice and ongoing support of the internship/work placement supervisor.
Professional development

With us, you will get a chance to implement your own ideas and carry out many interesting tasks on your own, as well as we offer real opportunities for promotion.

We make sure that our training policy supports the business strategy. Among managers we promote attitudes of active involvement in the development of competences within subordinate teams. We support the professional development of our employees using various tools.

Introductory training

In-service introductory training helps new team members get acquainted with the organization. They include information on products, quality requirements, health and safety rules, procedures and regulations applicable in the company.


We organize workshops, substantive and obligatory trainings. It is our priority to promote work safety, broaden our knowledge by participating in industry conferences.

Internal exchange of knowledge - a perspective for everyone

We share knowledge and exchange good practices with colleagues. The mission to teach others is treated by us seriously. We promote leaders.

Foreign language courses

We encourage our employees to improve their language skills.

Carnival parties with numerous attractions and prizes
Christmas and Easter meeting
Christmas and Easter gifts
Company events
Gifts to children on Children's day, Meetings with Santa Claus
Fishing contest
Free gym
Medical packages co-financed by the employer
Soccer team
Free meals in the company canteen
Workers' mutual assistance and loan fund
Free legal advice
Stages of the recruitment process

tel. 54 412 39 36

fill out the application form
and attach your CV to it


send your CV by e-mail to:


submit application documents directly
in the company headquarters:
ul. Wysoka 14 in Włocławek


All submitted application documents are analysed and verified by us in terms of candidates' potential. We will contact the candidates selected by us.

Job interview and professional potential examination

This is the stage where we want to get to know you better and we want you to get acquainted with us. The interview will be conducted by an employee of the Personnel Department. The manager of the team you are applying for will also be present during the interview. During the meeting, you can expect substantive and situational questions. The number of interviews depends on the level of the position you are applying for. Everyone who is invited to a job interview will receive information about its result.

How to prepare for an interview

Candidate selection and job offer submission.
Current job offers
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